Archive for the ‘10 Signs…’ Category

10 Signs You Watch Too Many Costume Dramas   Leave a comment


1. You have started a one-woman campaign to bring back the cravat;

2. You can keep up with the deluge of Jane Austen adaptations or films/ series about her, and have seen most of them;

3. You have coerced your significant other into letting you call him Mr. Darcy-in public.

4. You deliberately go out walking in stormy weather in the hope of spraining your ankle and being rescued by a dashing gentleman on horseback;

5. When you dream about your ideal man, he is wearing riding breeches and a top hat;

6. You have completely redecorated your home in the Regency or Victorian style;

7. You are inexplicably drawn to swarthy, dark haired men who torment you with their moody ways and lack of communication skills;

8. You deplore the fact that qualities such as honour, integrity and loyalty have little meaning in our society;

9. You greet people (even your own family) by saying: “Ah, good morning, sir, madam. ‘Tis a fine morning, is it not?”

10. You can name about 95% of the costume dramas shown in this you tube clip:
